Starting a new business? We offer simple, custom work options to get you set up with new hosting tailored to your business and needs, access and set-up to your cPanel and any support you need with getting trained or set up to use your new website.
How it Works
We start with a discovery session first, via a form you fill in, then a follow-up via video call to gather everything we need to know about your business. Then our team will work on the proposal for your hosting and set-up solution. Once you sign off, we go about creating your accounts, ready for your next great website.
What is Included
The establishment and research of the correct web hosting for your business and set-up of your accounts. One hour of training is included in this package.
Delivery Timeframe
Upon purchase, our team will email you to get the following information:
Please include in your brief where relevant:
Brand Name.
Link to URLS of the existing website/s if relevant.
What you are looking for out from your hosting.
Ideal deadline (if you need it sooner than the stated delivery time).
Anything else we need to know about the brand or your desired outcomes?
Please note the images on this product are sample feeds, your design can look like whatever you like.